Saturday, October 22, 2016

Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children

If you like Harry Potter and/or X-Men, you will love this as well, because it's a combination of the two. Tim Burton was the perfect choice to direct this movie, because the creepy tone and style match the book perfectly. Some elements of the plot don't make very much sense, but that's ok, because despite it being somewhat convoluted at times, it's still very enjoyable. The only people in the cast that I think could have done better are Asa Butterfield and Samuel L. Jackson. I liked Asa Butterfield in "Ender's Game," but here, he delivers almost every line in a flat and wooden way. He couldn't sound more uninterested if he tried. (If he was even trying at all, that is.) As for Samuel L. Jackson, his role is a little too over the top. I like when actors have fun, but they can overact, and Jackson's performance in this movie is an example of that. I enjoyed the story, and especially the cinematography. Every shot is so perfectly, that it's hard not to get immerresed in this movie's world. I know that's an odd thing to praise, but it's just so well done. The plot twists are unexpected and well concealed, and overall, this movie was just fantastic.
Grade: A-   9/10.  4/5 stars

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