Friday, June 3, 2016

Pride and Prejudice and Zombies

I wasn't expecting much from this movie. When you read the title "Pride and Prejudice and Zombies," you think "how silly." I was expecting this to be "meh" at best and downright awful at worst. I was wrong. Having been forced to read the "Pride and Prejudice" book in high school, I'm glad they finally made a version where I could understand what was going on and didn't bore me to death. It's the same classic story, but with zombie attacks thrown in. And as bizarre as that sounds and as different as these genres are, they synergize really well. The zombie elements affect the original plot and vice versa. I do have one complaint and that is Matt Smith's performance. As much as I love Matt Smith on "Doctor Who", that's just the problem. Whenever he's on screen I feel like I'm watching "Doctor Who." He is the comedic relief and he is really good at it but it feels like watching an exact copy of the 11th Doctor, right down to the personality. The zombie elements work really well. The action is over-the-top, without being too over-the-top, and while some parts of the movie look fake at times (blood), it actually works in the movie's favor because it emphasizes that it's supposed to be silly. It's just a parody of "Pride and Prejudice" and is in no way supposed to be taken seriously. 
Grade: A-   9/10. 4/5 stars

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