Thursday, March 3, 2016

Eddie the Eagle

This is the most inspiring film this year! It was also perfectly casted! (Seriously, look up the real Eddie "The Eagle" Edwards and compare to the movie. The resemblance is uncanny. It's like looking in a mirror.) Ok, well it's almost perfectly casted. As much as I like Hugh Jackman (Seriously, I'll watch Hugh Jackman in anything. If you want me to watch a movie just tell me Hugh Jackman's in it and I'm sold.) I feel like I've seen his character before. (The jerk with a heart of gold.) I've seen it in Real Steel, and it felt like watching his character in Real Steel. That being said, the movie is very uplifting! I'm not a huge fan of sports movies, and I'll admit I was skeptical about this movie, but surprisingly, I really enjoyed it! It doesn't have any of the typical sports movie cliches like the slow clap. (Which I HATE. I HATE the slow clap. It's so silly and overdone.) It does have the training montage cliche, but at least here it's humorous. That brings up another point. This movie had a lot more comedy than I thought it would. I didn't leave the theater thinking "This film was a comedy," but it had enough comedic bits to keep me interested. Not knowing anything about Eddie or the Olympics or any of the subject matter of the film, I'm surprised I enjoyed this as much as I did. I'm not a big fan of sports movies, and I'm certainly not going to add a bunch of sports movies to my Netflix queue just because I enjoyed this movie, but for what it was, I highly recommend it.

Grade: A-  9/10   4/5 stars

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