Sunday, August 30, 2015


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Tuesday, August 18, 2015

The Man From U.N.C.L.E.

This is one of the  best films of 2015! It doesn't take itself too seriously, and is one of the most fun films of the year. Everyone in this movie did a great job, and I'm really hoping there's a sequel. It's a big, corny, cheese fest, but that's to be expected since it takes place in the '60's. It's got a great, energetic score, and great writing. From car chases, to heists, to explosions, this film has everything! I was smiling and laughing throughout the entire movie. It's great fun, and highly recommended. Everyone in the movie has fun with it, and the only possible way you could not like this film, is if you were expecting a more serious spy thriller along the lines of "Mission: Impossible." Go in expecting a fun, cheesy, turn-off-your-brain movie and you will enjoy it. 

Grade: A+. 10/10. 5/5 stars

Fantastic Four (2015)

Dear Fox,
You've officially proved 3 times now that you can not make a good Fantastic Four movie. Just give the rights to Marvel studios already and let them control it.
How did Josh Trank go from making a great movie like "Chronicle", to making this?  This doesn't even feel like a superhero movie. It's so boring. It's an hour and a half (without credits) and an hour and 15 minutes is spent on the so-called "origin story". By the time the film actually got to the action, the thrill was gone. I was out of it. I didn't care anymore, and just wanted the film to end. They messed up Dr. Doom. When did he have romantic interest in Invisible Woman? Oh, yeah. That's right. Never. And The Thing's motion capture just looks creepy. this movie makes me so angry. The Fantastic Four's powers sure would come in handy in destroying this movie, though. Mr. Fantastic can throw this movie into another dimension, Invisible Woman can make the ashamed filmmakers invisible, and put force fields around them to shield them from the rotten tomatoes I want to throw at them, Human Torch can burn all copies of this movie, and Thing can smash all copies of this movie.  
Grade: F+. 0/10. 0/5 stars

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Mission: Impossible: Rogue Nation

Mission: Impossible is one of the few franchises where it doesn't get worse every movie. It either stays about the same or gets better, depending on the movie. That being said, this is easily one of the best in the series. Knowing that Tom Cruise does his own stunts makes this movie so much cooler. There's scenes in here that are quite impressive. I won't say what they are though, because, spoilers. This reminded me of Captain America: The Winter Soldier. The entire movie kept me engaged. There were hardly any boring scenes. It's exciting, and had done great twists. My only complaint is I found one scene quite predictable. 
Grade: A-   9/10  4/5 stars

Saturday, August 1, 2015


If you're a child of the 80s, an arcade aficionado, or a gamer in general, this is the film for you. If not, then its not for you and you probably won't like it. However, if, like me, you are in the target audience you will most likely enjoy this film. Although it isn't really that original, (let's be honest. It's "Ghostbusters" but with video games) it's still well done. The ending was a bit silly, and felt rushed and du-ex-machina, but up until that point I thought it was great. It is a bit slow in some parts and I wanted it to get back into the action, especially because those parts have no effect on the plot whatsoever. They tried to set up a romantic relationship between two characters, but it's wasted because they don't end up together anyway. And since Sean Bean is in the movie I felt they missed an oppurtunity to make a joke about how he always dies. They could have had him in an arcade where he gets a game over screen, and then had him say "Why do I always die?" Missed oppurtunity. I did enjoy the countless 80's pop culture references, and those were the best part of the movie. It's too bad this is getting bad reviews, because I was the only person in the theater the whole time. I thought this was a great movie. Will it be remembered in 10, or even 5 years from now? No, but it's a great movie nonetheless. 

Grade: B.   8/10   3.5/5 stars