Friday, August 23, 2013


The title of this movie is somewhat misleading. It should have been called "Average." Looking back, it essentially is "Save the Forest" hippie propaganda. Seriously. It makes The Lorax and Ferngully look subtle. While the animation is beautiful, the plot suffers from the same tired cliches we've seen in almost every animated film the past 2 decades. I was able to predict the ending 20 minuets into the film. The other 70 were just there to see if I was right, which I was. I expected better from the director of Ice Age and Rio. Those were both wonderful. This has the quality of a Dreamworks film, but that's an insult to Dreamworks. Grade: D- 3/10 1/5 stars

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Pacific Rim

What happens when you mix Transformers, Avatar and Godzilla? You get Pacific Rim. If you were disappointed by Transformers, this will replace it in your heart. It's everything Transformers should have been. Michael Bay, if you're reading this, have the director of this help you with Transformers 4. You absolutely must see this on the big screen. Don't wait for the DVD/Bluray. It's a BIG movie that absolutely positively MUST be seen in the theater. It's got action, explosions, wit, and is definitely the best movie of summer 2013. My only complaint is it ran a little too long. They could have cut a half hour. Grade: A+ 10/10 5/5 stars.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

The Last Starfighter

Personally, I thought this movie was kind of dull. Even for 1984 the special effects and CGI were really bad. This movie just feels like a big ripoff of Star Wars and Tron. I thought it could have used more action, less dialogue and better effects. Definitely not worth watching again. If you want to find a way to feel like you're watching a terrible Saturday morning cartoon, or want to punish yourself this is the film for you. Otherwise, stay away from this film at all costs. But, if you want to see what Admiral Ackbar would look like if he had a really terrible accident than you might enjoy this. But the whole movie feels like a big ripoff of Star Wars, Back to the Future, and just about every scifi movie of the 80s. Grade: D-  3/10 2/5 stars

Friday, August 2, 2013

Ferris Bueller's Day Off

I've always loved 80's movies. So when I saw that this was on Netflix I was excited. It's a funny look at how to skip school. (Don't worry, it would never work today) However, when I finished watching this I thought: "This is the basic premise of a typical Phineas and Ferb episode." Kid plans something big. Parents are oblivious. Only sister knows truth. Tries to get brother in trouble. Fails. Evil guy vs. family pet. So yeah, Phineas and Ferb doesn't seem very original now. And this is so much better, anyway. It's got teen hijinks, humor, and is just all-around fun movie for the mid-high school-crowd. Grade: B- (took away points for profanity, and lots of it) 7/10 3.5/5