Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Toy Story 4

I was as skeptical as anyone when this movie was announced. "Really? A 4th one? After the 3rd one ended so perfectly? What a cashgrab! Why is Disney forcing them to make this?"   But this movie actually had a lot of heart and effort into this. If "Toy Story 3" made you cry, oh boy. This will make you cry maybe even harder. They didn't need to put as much effort into this movie as this movie as they did, but they did. They did that for us. This is one of the great Pixar movies! I noticed that the Pixar movies hardly anybody remembers such as "Brave", "The Good Dinosaur", "Monsters University" and "Finding Dory" (just to name a few) are the ones that have little to no emotion put into them, but the great ones such as "Inside Out", "Coco", and others are the ones that make you feel something. They raise hard questions, they make you evaluate your life. They can be kid-friendly, but also mature. And this is one of those. As soon as the opening credits started, I started tearing up, and the film just didn't let up from there. This has themes of letting go, accepting you can't have what you want in life, finding your life's purpose. It's some pretty mature stuff for the audience of 5 year olds. But there is so much heart and effort put into this movie. Pixar has done it again. If they put even half the effort into "Incredibles 2" as they put into this, that could have been one of the great Pixar films. Despite my skepticism, this was a thoroughly emotional film, with lots of heart, and lots of laughs.
Grade: A-    9/10    4/5 stars

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