Friday, March 1, 2019

Robin Hood (2018)

I thought this was a fun movie! I don't understand why the critics and general audiences didn't like it. The main complaint with everyone seems to be the "historical inaccuracy", but yet these are the same people that are fine with the Disney cartoon where he's a fox. Go figure. Everyone in this movie did a great job. Ben Mendhelson as the villain is always fun. This does have the lately overused trope of ''This isn't the story of (legend/fairy tale/etc.) you think you know. No. This is the real story", which is getting tired and old. This feels so much like the first season of "Arrow" that this is probably the closest thing to a Green Arrow movie we're going to get for a while. I don't mind that, though. It had fun action scenes, some witty dialogue, and a stand-out cast. (Though Jamie Foxx's inconsistency with his 3 different accents was distracting). I was thoroughly entertained. I just wish it had ended where it ended. Because after it fades to black there's the "This isn't the end, here's our set up for a sequel!" which I'm tired of, because 90% of the time that happens there isn't a sequel, and considering this movie bombed with both critics and audiences, I'll be very surprised if it gets one. I'm glad I saw this movie. It was massively entertaining.
Grade: B      8/10      3.5/5 stars

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