Tuesday, October 9, 2018


I was a bit skeptical when they announced this movie. Could a Venom movie work without Spider-Man? The whole reason the character even exists in the first place is because of Spider-Man. Surprisingly, this movie worked, and it worked well. Yes, the origin story has for the most part been changed, but it still made sense and still worked. Tom Hardy is great in everything he does, and this is no exception. Some of the dialogue is really stupid, and I feel certain scenes could have had more potential, but the stuff that was great was really great. The CGI was terrific, as were the action scenes. The story took a while to get going, but once it did, it really got going. I think this is one of those movies that has enormous potential, but it will never be fully realized, and everything it's setting up will sadly be cancelled. This has happened with "Cirque Du Freak", "Valerian", and others, and I feel this is going to join the "Potential franchise ends up being one and done" club, which is a shame. I want to see more of this!
Grade: B     8/10     4/5 stars

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