Saturday, March 11, 2017


It's a shame this didn't do so well with critics or box office. I thought this was a great movie! I've been a fan of Jared Hess' work since "Napoleon Dynamite", and "Nacho Libre". He has yet to let me down and this film did not disappoint. I wasn't really sure what to expect considering this was delayed twice and was only in my local movie theaters for 2 weeks at most. My expectations weren't super low, but I was cautious. I figured at most it would be "meh." The fact that it did not do well has nothing to do with the quality of the film. I have a feeling in about 20 years or so, it will be a cult classic comedy. I was laughing so hard throughout most of this movie. There were times where I was missing dialougue and trying to pay attention, because I was still laughing at a joke from 2 minutes ago. I can only imagine the conversation the director had to have with the real people of this film, since it is based on a true story. "I'm going to turn your life story into a comedy, ok?" That was either incredibly embarassing, or they were cool with it. The film builds up pretty quickly and just gets crazier and crazier, and even more hilarious as it goes on. I wouldn't consider this a "smart" comedy, but if you're looking for a way to kill 90 minutes or you're into turn-off-your-brain screwball comedies, you'll probably enjoy this. It's a hidden gem worth searching for.
Grade: A-   9/10  4/5 stars

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