Friday, January 22, 2016

The 5th Wave

For most of the movie, I thought it was average, nothing special, typical. But then when the twist happened my whole perspective on this movie changed. I really enjoyed this movie. It had an intriguing plot, interesting characters, and a whole lot of action. There's some misdirection in this movie, which keeps the plot exciting, and kept my attention the whole film. Sadly, I don't think this film will do well enough to get a sequel, but even if it doesn't you can still watch it on its own and be satisfied. Some people will not give this film a chance because they think its too much like "The Hunger Games." It's completely different. "Hunger Games" was not about aliens. Ok, well "Ender's Game" was about teenagers fighting aliens. It's nothing like "Ender's Game", either. It's completely original. Most of the film did feel kind of "meh," but when the twist came, I forgave that, and was interested to know what would happen next. Considering this movie opened in January which is usually death month for movies that studios think are bad, I really enjoyed it. I thought it would be "meh" at best but it was a lot better than I expected. If there's no sequel, I won't care, but if there is, I'll definitely see it.
Grade: A-   9/10   4/5 stars

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